Mid adult mixed race LGBTQ woman in front of group


The best way for governments to see the housing challenges that women and gender-diverse people face, and craft solutions to meet their needs, is for the voices of women and gender-diverse people that have experienced precarious housing and homelessness to be heard. These are the voices of people with “lived experience” or “lived expertise”. However, many organizations working on housing advocacy – including political parties – are led by men or by people who haven’t themselves had to face these challenges, and may not know how to support people with lived experience to be the voices that governments and the public are hearing from. 


Webinar 3: Voice

The importance of including people with lived experiences in housing debates

In addition to these resources, check out the She.They.Us Voice webinar featuring Romy Bowers, CEO of Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation; Minister Grace Lore, MLA for Victoria-Beacon Hill; and David Miller, former Mayor of Toronto.
