Browse our frequently asked questions

Who can attend the symposium?

The symposium is open to all women, including cis women, trans women, two-spirit, and transfemmes.

Does the website have French translations?

We have made best efforts to have French translations for our website. French translations will be updated periodically and may not be an exact reflection of the content displayed in English.  

Is the event free?

Yes, the Pan-Canadian Voice for Women’s Housing symposium is free. Participants need to register. You can do so here.

Can government employees attend?

Yes, government employees can attend as long as they identify as a woman, as described above.

Where can I find the agenda?

Our symposium agenda will be released in the coming weeks. Check back here for updates.

When is the symposium taking place?

October 19 and 20, 2023.

Where will the symposium be held?

Alt Hotel, Ottawa, Ontario.

How can I register for the symposium?

You can sign up on our registration page. Sign up for our mailing list to make sure you don’t miss any important dates.